The window for the range?

Hi all,

Is there a way to expand the window for the range for the peak? Also does it move as the peak moves? :)



  • Absolutely possible! Marco will explain to you how to do this.
  • I have not heard anything from Marco yet
  • There is a way to expand the window for the range of the peak.
    You need to manually change the source code file:
    which is located here:
    check the following code lines [112, 137]
        # 10MHz 
        # left and right frequencies
        L10_fundamental = 7500
        R10_fundamental = 2500
        # Savitzky-Golay size of the data window 
        SG_window_size10_fundamental = 11
        # Spline smoothing factor
        Spline_factor10_fundamental = 0.01
        # left and right frequencies
        L10_3th_overtone = 13500
        R10_3th_overtone = 2500
        # Savitzky-Golay size of the data window 
        SG_window_size10_3th_overtone = 11    
        # Spline smoothing factor
        Spline_factor10_3th_overtone = 0.01
        # left and right frequencies
        L10_5th_overtone = 23000
        R10_5th_overtone = 3000
        # Savitzky-Golay size of the data window 
        SG_window_size10_5th_overtone = 19
        # Spline smoothing factor
        Spline_factor10_5th_overtone = 0.01
    You need to change the values of L10 and R10 variable. For example if you want to expand the range of the fundamental peak of 10 MHz quartz of 5KHz to the the left and 5 kHz to the right, you need to modify the code line [116-117] in this way
        # left and right frequencies
        L10_fundamental = 7500 + 5000 # expand the sweep range of 5 KHz on the left 
        R10_fundamental = 2500 + 5000 # expand the sweep range of 5 kHz on the right
    I am working on an auto-adjustment of the sweep range, which is not yet implemented in the code.
  • Hi! I wonder if there's a way to implement this in the QCM .exe version. I was trying to find these files and couldn't find them.
  • edited September 2021
    Hi @Vince90. First sorry for my reply delay. You should find the same files in the exe version.
  • HI Raffaele, can you help me locate the constants file?

    In the folder openQCM_Q-1_py_2.1_exe_01 I only have app.exe, openQCM, logged data and app. In the subfolders openQCM and logged data I couldn't find it and the app subfolders is hard to navigate.

    Thanks for the help
  • I am so sorry, Marco (that developed the SW) referred to me that in the exe version this is not possible! Sorry again. My mistake!
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